Monday, March 30, 2009

Big Fendi Zucca Spy Bag

Big Fendi Zucca Spy Bag designer handbags

FENDi Zucca Spy Bag is one of the most desirable FENDI bags for fashionable socialites around the world. FENDi Zucca Spy Bag is made in Italy, and each detail denotes high quality, from its exquisite coating leather, delicate spliced monogram canvas and polished metal sculpture decoration in silver color to the woven shoulder strap.

Spy Bag truly has many secrets in its design: the bag handle is in fact a cassette which can hold a lipstick or other things in similar size; the seeming bag cover turns out to be a small wallet if opened through a special designed hidden button. What’s more, the simple yet elegant shape of this designer handbag allows it to match with the carrier’s different style of dressing perfectly.


Appropriate for The User - Gucci Cosmetic Pounch PM

Appropriate for The User - Gucci Cosmetic Pounch PM

more about Gucci Cosmetic Pounch PM


I’ve fallen for Prada lately, lol~~~a simple color is as great as great can be. A cosmetic bag doesn’t have to be large, but it has to be appropriate for the user.

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Resist Financial Crisis, Thrust New Designer Handbag

Resist Financial Crisis, Thrust New Designer Handbags

In the case of replica designer handbags industry, after service is the same important as the goods quality, especially to the people who love shopping in the internet.

People all know that, there is a strict classification in the replica industry. The different grades of replica designer handbags have a whale of differency in price, raw materials and production process. is AAA high replica designer handbags outlet, she has a long business operating history. Today, has builded up a perfect sales process for the customers, which include presale consultation, order tracking, transportation management and after service. The final goal of this sale process is to get the archivement of “small profit, largh sale volume”.

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Now, the whole worlds luxury brands have lauched 2009 spring series item, close follow the fashion trend, release AAA high replica designer handbags to cater customers. is trying to resist finacial crisis depend on the strategy of great discount.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Vertu’s luxurious concept model for 2015 made public

Vertu’s luxurious concept model for 2015 made public

There is no denial that we are living in a world with growing awareness of environmental protection. Green groups, environmentalists and green banners, slogans are making more and more frequent appearance. Although technology is making rapid development as always, it has to make way for the environment; no one wants to live in a high-tech world full of pollution. Again, environmental protection starts with small things. Mobile phone as a must have item in people’s daily life definitely has to contribute to the protection of environment. Lately, Vertu Essence, an environment friendly concept model of  Vertu for 2015 has come to the public’s view. replica vertu

Vertu Essence:
This concept cell phone is made from solid titanium, and its monitor made from sapphire crystal with high anti-corrosion ability and great value of collection. The exterior frame is made from bamboo, which delivers a sense of closeness to the nature and is very green. Vertu mobile phone as a symbol of noble identity, now under its environmental protection guise, it keeps its owner one step ahead of the rest not only in wealth, but also in protecting the environment.

A high price doesn’t guarantee all for high replica designer handbags

A high price doesn’t guarantee all for high replica designer handbags

We know that Grade UltrA replica designer handbags have reached a considerably high level in the replica industry and most of the Grade UltrA replica manufacturers make samples by splitting and studying authentic handbags or used ones. So generally the patterns and designs of Grade UltrA replicas are consistent with those of authentic products and the fabrics used are usually imported from Korea or Taiwan. The imported top leather is commonly known as white leather and its color darkens due to oxidation, and will discolor when applied to water or wet cloth. The accessories are usually imported YKK zippers, so there are no significant differences in the manual work and stitches. It is no exaggeration that products from some really great manufacturers can only be distinguished by experts. If you want to know more about the grading of replicas and the differences between varied grades, please kindly pay a visit to the replica home blog Since the Grade UltrA replicas are pleasing to the eye, so you have to be careful that people sell them to you as if they are authentic.
photo: louis vuitton replica handbags

The price difference among replicas is huge, and you can’t judge the price by mere design because the price of a same design can vary from six or seven hundred Yuan to only tens of Yuan. As the workmanship and materials may vary, so it is impractical to make literal comparison of mere price. But I can tell you with certainty that all Louis Vuitton handbags sold outside Louis Vuitton exclusive shops are replicas. Never believe the seller’s story that their handbags are defective products from a certain country. With its strict product control, Louis Vuitton will never allow a defective product to show up in the market. Unless it is left idle by individuals, don’t think that the bag that costs you 3000 to 5000 Yuan is authentic. In fact they are Grade UltrA replicas, and it is the seller’s trick as they know the buyers well that people tend to believe a high price guarantees authenticity. (By:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The world most expensive designer handbags ranking

The world most expensive designer handbags ranking

in 2007 “Forbes” collects the global ten big luxurious handbags and announces the rank, these frequently tens of thousands of to more than 20 ten thousand Yuan designer handbags, pull in the hand absolutely is the status symbols.The ultra luxurious handbag overlord is Fendi B.Bag, the single selling price surpasses 210,000 Yuan; Second is Hermes Birkin, the value exceed 150,000 Yuan.

Places first Fendi B.Bag
The handbag, was explained is “the 21st century woman’s opium”.The handbag is the woman individuality with manifesting which savors.Likes buying the handbag is very many women “the dead hole”, sometimes even arrived the situation which wants to stop but cannot.As for very many females, an attractive unique handbag often is a focal point which the whole body dresses up, gets up adds the finishing touch the effect.Becomes in the luxury goods in the name brand handbag essential item today, the Fendi handbag, becomes people’s first choice naturally.
“Forbes” collects the global ten big luxurious handbag places to be as follows:
World most expensive name brand handbag

1st Fendi B.Bag selling price: Exceed 216,000 Yuan world most expensive designer handbags
2nd Hermes Birkin selling price: 156,000 Yuan world most expensive designer handbags
3rd saint Lolan Muse selling price: Exceed 148,000 Yuan world most expensive ndesigner handbags
4th Prada FrameBag selling price: Exceed 117,000 Yuan world most expensive designer handbags
5th Zac Posen Alexia selling price: Approximately 117,000 Yuan world most expensive designer handbags
6th Ralph Lauren Ricky selling price: 109,000 Yuan world most expensive designer handbags
7th Chole Paddington selling price: Approximately 117,000 Yuan world most expensive designer handbags
8th Gucci Boston selling price: Exceed 93,000 Yuan world most expensive name brand handbag
9th Bottega Veneta Bambina selling price: Exceed 60,000 Yuan world most expensivedesigner handbags
10th Devi Kroell Crystal Disco Ball selling price: Exceed 38,000 Yuan

What’s the significance of designer handbag?

What’s the significance of designer handbag?

Each designer handbag has its own legendary story, for example, Jane Birkin and Hermes Birkin bag.
Too much significance has been endowed with designer handbags’ promotion of women’s liberation. Followers of the liberation for women take delight in talking about the metal chain of Channel 2.55 handbag, that they believe Ms. Channel’s inspiration has liberated women’s hands. Hermes Birkin bag is also about bringing career women convenience–the British actress Jane Birkin wanted to take out her Hermes notebook from her handbag, and bang! All the other stuff fell out. And the actress signed that it would be wonderful if she could have a suitable handbag. The gentleman sitting next to her at that particular moment is the heir to the Hermes family, so, the Birkin bag is born.

Each designer handbag has its own legendary story, for example, Ms. Coco Channel and Channel 2.55 bag.

When whether using handbag has nothing to do with women’s liberation, designer handbags have the most marketing potential among luxury brand accessories. No need to try on, no size difference, even age boundaries can be broken, designer handbag is even better than perfume, another luxury smoke bomb—because a handbag can be seen. The social meaning endowed with is there, the delicate handwork and tradition crafts are well displayed, but the limited editions frequently introduced every season has no relation with the above mentioned, they are condensed into expensive LOGOs of full weight.

Vertu Nürburgring Mobile Phone on sale on eBay under the present recession

Vertu Nürburgring Mobile Phone on sale on eBay under the present recession

The time has come full circle and rich people are beginning to sell their belongings under the pressure of the ongoing economic downturn.
photo: vertu replica vertu

We are used to limousines sold on eBay and this time we find some new stories that someone is peddling his luxurious limited edition of  Vertu Nürburgring Racetrack for only $4,599 dollars, and god knows a brand new cell of this model costs $8,000 dollars!

photo: vertu replica vertu

Don’t worry it is a fake due to the low price. The seller guarantees that it is absolutely authentic and is currently only sold in the United States as well as the Bay area. The seller also promises to go to the nearest authorized Vertu store to verify the authenticity with the buyer if necessary.
photo: louis vuitton replica handbag

This Vertu currently on sale is made of titanium alloys. Highlights of this Vertu include the etching pattern of the Nürburgring racetrack on the back, accessories made of race car leather and it is a limited edition.
photo: buy replica handbags

Introduction of Vertu:

Vertu is the world’s first luxury mobile phone company set up by Nokia. Operating in the way of high-end brands, Vertu has successfully built up a marketing image as wanted by everyone buy only few people could afford to buy. The world-famous mobile phone designer Frank Nuovo has designed a series of mobile phones for Vertu and the appearance, materials and functions all embody regal demeanor and temperament, selling for more than one hundred thousand Yuan on average each. Vertu enjoys very satisfactory sales since its launching in Singapore in 2004 and many customers from mainland China specially go to Vertu’s Hong Kong flag-ship store for their own Vertu phones.

Originated from Latin, the word Vertu means “high quality, unique”. As a distinguished mobile phone brand founded in 2002, Vertu aims to tailor-make mobile phones for rich people around the world. Because of the uniqueness of this brand, customers who want to get a special-made Vertu cell phone can only do so by reservation or go to a specific exclusive store.