What’s the significance of designer handbag?
Each designer handbag has its own legendary story, for example, Jane Birkin and Hermes Birkin bag.
Too much significance has been endowed with designer handbags’ promotion of women’s liberation. Followers of the liberation for women take delight in talking about the metal chain of Channel 2.55 handbag, that they believe Ms. Channel’s inspiration has liberated women’s hands. Hermes Birkin bag is also about bringing career women convenience–the British actress Jane Birkin wanted to take out her Hermes notebook from her handbag, and bang! All the other stuff fell out. And the actress signed that it would be wonderful if she could have a suitable handbag. The gentleman sitting next to her at that particular moment is the heir to the Hermes family, so, the Birkin bag is born.
Each designer handbag has its own legendary story, for example, Ms. Coco Channel and Channel 2.55 bag.
When whether using handbag has nothing to do with women’s liberation, designer handbags have the most marketing potential among luxury brand accessories. No need to try on, no size difference, even age boundaries can be broken, designer handbag is even better than perfume, another luxury smoke bomb—because a handbag can be seen. The social meaning endowed with is there, the delicate handwork and tradition crafts are well displayed, but the limited editions frequently introduced every season has no relation with the above mentioned, they are condensed into expensive LOGOs of full weight.
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