Purchase A Perfect Handbag For Yourself
We are most concerned about the quality when we are buying a leather handbag. Every handbag consists of eight elements, no matter designer handbags or replica handbags. As long as the eight elements are fine, then the quality should be fine.
1.The surface. The surface is like the human face, should be flat and smooth, and no seams other than design in purpose, no bumps, nor rough leather edges. Color should be even.
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2.Lining. Whether the lining is fabrics or leather goods (usually the lining of leather handbags is not real leather), its color should coordinate with the surface’s. Lining has many seams, and the stitches should be close.
3‘Strap. Strap is the most important part of a handbag, also the part most easily to be broken. Therefore when checking the strap, there are two things to be paid attention to: a, if there are any seam or crack; b, if the joint between the strap and the bag is sturdy.
4.Hardware. As decorations, hardware is often the cherry on the top. So when choosing a handbag, should pay attention to the shape and handcraft of the hardware; especially when it is gold color, should ask the sales person if the color will fade easily.
5.Stitch. No matter the handbag is sewn with top stitch or blind stitch, the space between stitches should be uniform (this is within the consideration of the designer), and no thread leads is exposed.
6.Glue. Glue is crucial in the manufacture of handbags, either in binding the surface and lining, the strap and the bag, or between accessories. When choosing a handbag, you must examine each part to see if it is solid.
7.Zipper. The quality of home-made zippers is not up to standard. If the quality of a handbag’s zipper is poor, on one hand, it is not safe, on the other hand, it takes time and efforts to get the zipper changed, and the appearance of the handbag is very likely to be affected. So zippers should not be overlooked when buying a handbag.
8.Button. Another potty accessory, also require attention, though easier to change compared with zipper.
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